Monday, August 22, 2011


'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves....

I have had that Lewis Carroll line randomly stuck in my head for the last 2 hours or so. I'm not very sure how it got there, but it's there and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I hate when I have a touch of OCD and repeat things like that over and over and over in my head.

I spent alllllllll day trying to set up my classroom in Alton. Setting up my room always makes me feel stressed and inadequate, like I'm not quite sure what the heck I'm doing. It also reminded me that I would rather be setting up a classroom in Strafford where I already know that I love my co-workers and feel like a part of things. I hate starting over. I know I will be fine, and I know I will end up loving people in Alton too, but I'm not good with change. Not good at all. This makes my apparent inability to acquire anything but one-year teaching positions a great misfortune. Either that, or a challenge that will make me stronger. I hope it is the latter.

I have writers group again tomorrow after a too long summer hiatus. I am really grateful to be a part of such a great group of people who always have good writing, good ideas, and good laughter (not to mention good wine.)

I had an uncharacteristic bout of insomnia last night. Now, if you know me at all, I can fall asleep usually in under a minute. I can sleep through anything, fall asleep anywhere, and usually do. However, last night I watched an entire movie (Brothers, which was very good by the way) from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. without so much as a yawn. I didn't fall asleep until 4:15 a.m. By that point, I was actually contemplating just getting up and starting my day which must have done the trick and sent me over the edge. It seems like I should be asleep by now because of this, but I don't even feel tired. Too much stress maybe.

My dogs are snoring, my cats are brawling, my husband is relaxing, and I am unmotivated to do several things that need to be done.

I never feel like my blogs are exciting enough to post, but maybe they are more for me than they are for you. So, I will post them anyway.



  1. when I read your blog I feel like it last year during prep period and it makes me :). Keep it up, I need something to make me smile.
